Module 06 - File Management

Lesson 03 - Deleting Files and Working with Directories

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Files can be deleted with the FDEL function. You should be very careful with this function, as files deleted this way are not sent to the recycling bin. Don’t delete anything important.

FDEL takes 1 argument, the path of the file you want to delete (relative from yaya.dll), and returns 1 if the operation was successful, and 0 if not.

	_path = "examplefiles/myplaylist.txt"
	if FDEL(_path)
		"File deleted successfully."
		"Could not delete file."

Click to run the above code in the Ghost Guides companion ghost.

The above function will attempt to delete the myplaylist.txt file. It will then output a message based on whether the action was successful or not.

You can also create and delete directories (folders). To create a directory, use the MKDIR function. MKDIR takes 1 argument, the path where you want to create the directory (including the name of the directory) relative from yaya.dll, and returns 1 if the operation was successful, and 0 if not.

	if MKDIR("examplefiles/subfolder/")
		"Created subfolder."
		"Could not create subfolder."

Click to run the above code in the Ghost Guides companion ghost.

The above function creates a new directory called playlists, and outputs a message based on if the operation was successful or not.

You can remove directories in a similar way with the RMDIR function. However, in order to remove a directory, it must be empty first.

	_path = "examplefiles/subfolder/"
	if  RMDIR(_path)
		"Deleted subfolder successfully."
		"Cannot delete subfolder."
		if ARRAYSIZE(FENUM(_path)) > 0; " Please remove all files inside it and try again."

Click to run the above code in the Ghost Guides companion ghost.

The above function will attempt to delete the playlists folder. It will output a message based on whether the operation was successful or not. If it was not successful, it will also use FENUM to check if there are files still in the directory, and if there are it will also output a note about needing to remove them.

Further Context

Be careful with deleting things, and don’t delete anything you shouldn’t.

Making directories can be very useful though; you can’t make a file in a directory that doesn’t exist, so it helps if you check beforehand and create the directory if necessary. That way, you’ll avoid bugs if the user accidentally deletes a folder. Here’s some of the code Warrior Generator uses when saving a character.

	_topdir = FENUM("/../../saved_data/")
	if ARRAYSIZE(_topdir) == 0; void MKDIR("/../../saved_data/") //Make the data directory
	_chars = FENUM("/../../saved_data/characters/")
	if ARRAYSIZE(_chars) == 0; void MKDIR("/../../saved_data/characters/") //Make the characters directory
	_files = FENUM("/../../saved_data/characters/%(shellfld)/")
	if ARRAYSIZE(_files) == 0; void MKDIR("/../../saved_data/characters/%(shellfld)/") //Make a directory for this shell
	_display = ""
	foreach _files; _file
		if RE_SEARCH(_file,".wgc$")
			_file = RE_REPLACE(_file,".wgc$","")
			_display += "\__q[OnSaveOver,%(_file),areyousure]%(_file)\__q\n"

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